Bridget Jones Baby

September 15, 20165 min

Fifteen years ago the movie world was introduced to a girl and her diary. Having been a successful novel, bringing Bridget Jones to life on the big screen turned out to be a pretty good move. Now after an eleven year absence Bridget is back to swim her way through the ocean that is the single life as she still is trying to find the perfect man for her. Some would say her expectations are too high, but whatever the reason while Bridget can get a man, she just can’t seem to keep a man.

While she may be single, life is good for Bridget (Renee Zellweger), she has a nice flat, a good job, and lots of friends. All of it would be better with a man, but Bridget has accepted where she is. That starts to change when she ventures on a girls weekend to a music festival where she is saved by what appears to be Prince Charming. While this prince did not arrive by her ordering a pizza with anchovies, he did arrive at the right time. After a heated night she returns to her life, only to run into her old love Mr. Darcy (Colin Firth) and have their passion rekindled. With her fun out of the way Bridget moves on until she discovers she is pregnant, and is not totally sure whom the father is. She discovers he handsome prince is Jack (Patrick Dempsey), who happens to run a successful dating site. Being Bridget she first decides to tell them both about the pregnancy, but not about each other. Like most things in Bridget’s life, that doesn’t work out. Since Maury Povich was not available, the three of them decide to stick it out together as Bridget Jones tries and find her happily ever after.

Zellweger has always seemed to fit naturally into the roll of Bridget Jones and even after over a decade away, she still does. Written once again by Helen Fielding and joined by Dan Mazer and Emma Thompson. Fielding isn’t the other one to return behind the camera, as Sharon Maguire, who directed the first film is also back. All that would be for nothing though if Zellweger hadn’t returned for the roll she made her own. With so many returning, the only question is will the dress fit after so much time has passed. The good news is the answer is ‘yes’ as it feels like yesterday we were watching the last story unfold. Bridget still finds a way to often put her foot in her mouth, but always in the cutest way. The film has plenty of laughs, and even though I am not the intended audience, it a film that both sexes can enjoy. Maybe one might enjoy it a little more than the other, this is not one of those films that will cause any animosity towards each other. The laughs are there, but the film does feel a little long. It was good to see Bridget back, in what feels like the perfect ending to her diary.

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