Music can be the missing ingredient when it comes to a movie and can forever affect the memory that song conjures when you hear it. This list though doesn’t cover all of those bases. For example if the song was written for the film it was left off, so you won’t be seeing “Don’t You Forget About Me” by Simple Minds. Also excluded from this list is a song with the film’s title in it. So as much as I know who I want to call when I hear, “Ghostbusters” by Ray Parker Jr. it will not make the cut either. So what that leaves are the songs on this list, that I dare you to not think of the movie every time you hear it.
“Banana Boat” (Day-O)- Harry Belafonte-“Beetlejuice”
If I said this song title three times what do you think would happen? I bet you I could get you to limp sync it and dance in a circle around a table. This film has many things about it that are memorable but for me none can ever top what may be the coolest dinner party ever.
“Old Time Rock and Roll” –Bob Seger- “Risky Business”
Every time I hear this song in my head I scream like Mel Gibson from “Braveheart” the word ‘Freedom!’. For me this is the song for all of us who had the house to ourselves as teenagers while our parents were out of town. We would take a few records off the top shelf and break out our best pair of white socks and take center stage in our living room.
“ In your Eyes” –Peter Gabriel- “Say Anything”
Back in my day we couldn’t slide in the DM’s to try and get a girl or guy to notice you. Instead we had to use our portable radio and stand outside their window and find the perfect song to get their attention. That idea may have never have came true if it wasn’t for Cameron Crowe and what turns out is a fantastic song to serenade your future love with.
“Johnny B. Goode”- Chuck Berry – “Back to the Future”
This is a one of those songs that found a second life thanks to a movie, or did it? I mean I think “Johnny B. Goode” is one of those enteral songs that will live forever. For me though, and I assume everyone who is reading this, it brings back memories of the Enchantment Under the Sea dance.
“Unchained Melody”-The Righteous Brothers- “Ghost”
This song makes me think of two things. One, the movie ‘Ghost” and two making pottery, actually that might just be one thing. This scene in this movie feels like something a romantic would pull out and say, “Why can’t we be like this?” Nonetheless while you might not make pottery together, you can play this song and think of that scene together.
“Tequila”- The Champs- “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure”
For every time you wanted to climb on top of a bar and do a funny dance you can thank Pee wee Herman. I learn two things from this song; its great to dance to and if you are ever in a bar with a bunch of angry bikers it will certainly break the ice, or something else.
“Tiny Dancer” – Elton John – “Almost Famous”
This song makes me think of a think piece about a mid-level band struggling with their own limitations in the harsh face of stardom. That opening sentence and this song will forever be linked to Cameron Crowe’s masterpiece “Almost Famous.” This is the perfect marriage between a song and the scene because it all feels just right as that bus rolls along.
“Stuck in the Middle With You – Stealers Wheel-“Reservoir Dogs”
“Do you ever listen to K. Billy’s super sounds of the seventies?” With that question Michael
Madsen danced into movie history. Quentin Tarantino has always understood the importance of music and with this scene it might be the best example of that.
“Lust for Life”- Iggy Pop- “Trainspotting”
With that opening drum line and the words about choosing life and a washing machine would forever go hand in hand after this film was released. Not only does this song have meaning for us, but in the sequel the song takes back the character to the darker times of his youth.
“Bohemian Rhapsody”-Queen- Wayne’s World
Leave it to Wayne and Garth to party on and take a popular song and take it to a new level with their version of it. While this film has two songs in it that will always make you think about it. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the one that stands out for me and every time I hear I can’t help to bang my head to some Queen rocking.
“Where’s my Mind”- Pixies- “Fight Club”
I know the first rule of Fight Club, that being said I can’t talk about it. What I can do it talk about the forever stuck in my head picture of Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter staring out the window as buildings come crumbling to the ground with the Pixies playing in the back ground. This is the perfect song to explain this moment in the film and everything that came before it.