Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

October 10, 20145 min

When it comes to the definition of a bad day you will get a different answer depending on whom you ask. It could be you spilling your coffee on your clothes, or maybe getting a speeding ticket when you are already late, or in other words Mondays. While all of that sounds like an unpleasant day for an adult, for a kid, it’s all meaningless. As a kid it doesn’t take much for you to think you are having a bad day and that is just the subject of Disney’s new film “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”.

Alexander (Ed Oxenbould) is having one of those bad days. He wakes up with gum in his hair and with his older brother Antony (Dylan Minnette) and sister Emily (Kerris Dorsey) being perfect and such, Alexander is suffering from the third child syndrome. Things get worst when he gets to school and discovers that another kid is having a birthday party the same night as his, only a lot more fun. Alexander doesn’t believe his day could get any worse. Well when it rains it pours and Alexander almost burns down his science class, thus ending his day at school. Alexander’s father Ben (Steve Carell)is a stay at home day, who takes care of Alexander’s younger brother, while his mom Kelly (Jennifer Garner) brings home the bacon. Wanting everyone else to understand how having a bad day feels, Alexander makes a wish that seems to curse his family and makes everything that can go wrong happen. Alexander and is family discover what really makes a day good.

It seems Disney has rediscovered the magic that made so many kids happy when growing up. With successful animated movies like “Tangled”, “Frozen” and “Wreck it Ralph”, it was only a matter of time before they redirect their attention to the live-action front. Those films filled many nights, mesmerizing kids of all ages and producing countless sequels. “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” takes the same path as many of those films and comes off enjoyable. Now I say enjoyable because it is not hard to watch for you adults, but your kids are going to love it. Written by Rob Lieber, from the novel by Judith Viorst, the story is all about not sweating the little things in life, and finding out what really is important. With the direction of Miguel Arteta (Youth in Revolt) this film will find it on your kids playlist and on yours as well. Now with Disney’s return to form on children films, both animated and live action, and the Marvel and Star Wars empire in their possession as well, it is quite possible Disney owns the childhood of kids for the next decade again. “Alexander” is just the beginning of what will be probably more bad days for Alexander and his family, because let’s face it, what Disney knows best, is that one day, good or bad, is never enough.


Brian Taylor

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